Superintendent Rick Nielsen Visits Art City Elementary

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elementary, in Springville, welcomed Superintendent Rick Nielsen, on October 8, 2010. Mr. Nielsen sat down with a second grade student, McKayla Richins, and worked on a pattern McKayla had started. The teachers at Art City are excited that Mr. Nielsen is the Superintendent, as he was their principal eight years ago.

Art City Kindergarten learning about the Community

Submitted by julia.murray on

Mrs. Barbara Miner’s and Mrs.Alisa Morgan’s kindergarten classes at Art City Elementary enjoyed visits from Springville’s own Officer Owen Leatham and firefighter Ben Schofield as students celebrated community helpers. Students learned about a policeman’s job and a firefighter’s job and got to see the tools used for each. Students were especially happy to see a police car and a fire truck!

Pictures and article by Alisa Morgan

Kindergarten goes to Pumkin Land

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elementary’s kindergarten classes enjoyed a day at Pumpkin Land at Vineyard Garden Center in Orem. Students navigated their way out of a corn maze, saw farm animals, and learned about the fall season and harvest.

Pictures and Story by Alisa Morgan

Wanted Readers!

Submitted by julia.murray on

Wanted Readers! For Reading at Art City Elementary. The librian, DeAnna Lindsey, is always on the lookout to catch students reading. When students are spotted with a book their picture is taken and hung up in the wanted readers corner. Readers caught recently are: Principal Mrs. Lori Nielsen, 5th Grade Chris Ohman, 2nd Grade Andrew Wilding, 3rd Grade Kelby Jeppson, and 4th Grade Jaiden Fisher.

Written By DeAnna Lindsey

Art City Fifth Grades went to Shadow Mountain

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elementary's 5th grade had the opportunity to visit Shadow Mountain on Thursday September 23rd. The Fifth grade students throughout the Nebo School District are invited to go to Shadow Mountain Camp in the Summer. The field trip is for the fifth grade is to see where it is and some of the activities they may get to do. Some of the activities they did were team building and problem solving, as well as coopertive games. One student said, "I learned what strengths others had and what parts people play".

pictures by Lori Nielsen and Cooper Murray

Art City's Annual Fun Run

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elementary had their Fun Run on September 15th as part of Health and Safety Week. Third through Sixth Grade students, parents, and even a few faculty ran a two and a half mile course through neighborhoods surrounding Art City Elementary School. The First and Second grade students ran a half a mile course around the Art City Elementary School field.

The First Day of School

Submitted by julia.murray on

Welcome back to school Art City Elementary. The Art City PTA welcomed students back to school Tuesday, August 23, 2010. Can you see those smiles? Moms are just as excited to see their students going to school as the students are to be going. It is a new year and a new teacher. Welcome back students.

Final Farewell to Dave Rowe

Submitted by julia.murray on

The PTA parents, past and present students gathered in front of Art City Elementary on Thursday May 27th, to say a final, "Make yourself a great Day!" farewell to Mr. Dave Rowe. Thank you Mr. Rowe for all you have done for our community, you will be missed.

Pictures by DeAnna Lindsey

Good Bye Mr. Rowe

Submitted by julia.murray on

At the end of the awards assembly on Monday, May 24th, at Art City Elementary school Mr. Dave Rowe (Principal at Art City for 7 years) was surprised as the students and Faculty sung a farewell song to him. The Nebo School District has reassigned Mr. Rowe to Hobble Creek Elementary school in Mapleton. Mr. Rowe will be missed as we have all grown to love and appreciate all that he has done for Art City and the community.