October 2023

Halloween Parade

Submitted by natalie.bailey on

The Art City Halloween Parade will take place on Halloween at 2:15 pm.  The students will be parading around the outside of the school and parents are welcome to come and watch!  Please see map for instructions on where to watch.  If you would like to check your child out after the parade, please wait until the parade is over and check them out with their teacher.  Each teacher will have a sign out sheet.  

Safety Week at Art City!

Submitted by natalie.bailey on

Safety Week is coming up at Art City!  Get excited for the following days during the week of October 30-November 3!  Your child should have brought home a Safety Week packet with more information.  

Monday - Internet Safety - White 

Activities: Sports Day Dress Up 

Go screen free after school 

Tuesday - Halloween Safety - Orange

 Activity: Wear Halloween costume 

Wednesday - Drug Awareness - Red

Stand Strong Students

Submitted by natalie.bailey on

Students at Art City Elementary earn Eagle Bucks for doing well in class, specialties and during recess times.  These students chose to use their Eagle Bucks to be on the web page.  Great job!

Picture Retake Day

Submitted by natalie.bailey on

Picture Retake Day is coming up on Wednesday, October 24th!  If you need to order pictures for your student please go to mylifetouch.com and enter code: EVTNBH9DQ.  Packets will not come home.  We do have some in the office if you'd like to come get one.  If you child needs a retake because their picture was not good, please send your child picture packet back with them and let your child's teacher know so that they can make sure they go get their picture taken.  We do not send everyone to get their picture taken on retake day.  If you have any questions, pleas

Fourth Grade Art at Art City

Submitted by julia.murray on

 Mrs. Garrett's Fourth grade class had fun painting microscopes that they will use during science! They also enjoyed painting water lilies during a Great Artist lesson.

#NeboSchoolDistrict #ArtCityEagles

Picture and Story by Madeline Garrett

Art City Fourth Grade Utah Map

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City fourth grade students made graham cracker maps of Utah showing the Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake City, Springville, the mountains, and the major freeways.  It was a fun activity for everyone!

#NeboSchoolDistrict #ArtCityEagles

Pictures by Jordan Shober