Art City Mission

All students will learn at high levels and make adequate yearly growth.

Thank You Teachers

Submitted by julia.murray on

Thank you Art City Teachers this week for Teacher Appreciation the ACE Reporters wanted to express their thanks to a few teachers who have taught them or are currently being taught by them (thank you teachers for understanding and taking time to help these students):

Mr. Brad Gibson is a 6th grade teacher his favorite animal is a monkey and his favorite food is Tacos if he could go anywhere he would go to Cancun Mexico he loves teaching!!!

Article and pictures by ACE Reporters

Thank you PTA

Submitted by julia.murray on

All of the Teachers and staff at Art City Elementary would like to express their gratitude to the Art City PTA for all of the hard work they have done this week in making the teachers and staff feel loved and appreciated.

Picture taken by Genna Murray

Arbor Day Winners

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elementary Arbor Day poster winners are: back row: Emily Clisbee, 2nd grade; Hannah Graves 6th grade; Brynn Patton, 5th grade; front row; Rylee Simpson, 3rd grade and Brevin Park 1st grade; not pictured Brookie Mellon, Kindergarten; and Amanda Hall, 4th grade.

Only one poster per grade is submitted, the posters submitted received honorable mentions. The Contest is sponsored by Utah Arbor Day Committee, for the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands.

Art City Wins 4th place in the State Chess Tournament

Submitted by julia.murray on

On Saturday, March 20, 2010, 11 students from Art City Elementary joined over 400 other elementary school students in the Utah State Elementary Chess Tournament held at the University of Utah campus. They competed against the best and the brightest across the state and did extremely well. Those who participated were: Jason Elzinga (Kindergarten); Fuiva Moala (1st grade); Patrick Bless (2nd); Ammon Elzinga (2nd); Monte Taylor (2nd); Steven Elzinga (5th); Max Riche (5th); Trysta Moala (5th); Jeffrey Taylor (5th); Ricardo Moala (6th); Touanga Moala (6th).

Written by David Taylor and Marylynn Lewis

Taking Time to Read

Submitted by julia.murray on

Even though she has Book Fair going on around her, Mrs. DeAnna Lindsey takes time to read with a friend.  Thank you Mrs. Lindsey for all you do for us at Art City Elementary School.

Art City "Excellence in Service" Award

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City PTA awarded Julia Murray the “Excellence in Service” Award at their recent area meeting on March 17 for her many efforts to serve the school in so many ways. Julia is an amazing PTA supporter and Art City Elementary employee and is appreciated and loved by adults and students alike. She is involved on so many levels. Julia was hired as the PE instructor over five years ago but has added the following jobs and titles to her resume: Certified radKids Instructor, Journalism Club Instructor, P. R.

Picture by Jen Follette, Article by Dave Rowe