Bucket Fillers for January 6, 2012
Have you filled a bucket today? Art City Elementary School, in Springville, has a goal to be bucket fillers not dippers. This week's Bucket Fillers are: (not all pictured and not in order): First-grade: Brianna Ortega, Quincy Gressmar, Paige Hughes, Wyatt Shepherd, Kirsten Corry, Alex Price, Mathew Sanders, Ashley Andrade; Second-grade: Pata Kaisa, Sarah Hubbard, Kennady Bird, Jack O'Donnel, Abraham Tavara, Adam Ferrin, Giselle Zabirskie, Cam Hall; Third-grade: Blake Williams, Helen Tulley, Jordyn Young, Sally Giatras, Nick Dockstader, Jane Wilson, Cameron Heis