Art City Mission

All students will learn at high levels and make adequate yearly growth.

What Makes You Scream?

Submitted by julia.murray on

What makes you want to SCREAM?  In October Mrs Larsen's class at Art City Elementary, Springville, wrote about what makes them want to scream.  The students studied The Scream by Edvard Munch and used similar colors, lines and movement to create their own watercolors.  Using a Digital camera their picture was taken, while re-creating that famous scream face.  Their pictures were printed then cut out and glued onto their watercolor painting.  Students then wrote about what makes them scream and published their writing in the school computer lab.

The Utah Renaissance Faire,

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elementary sixth-grade, as part of the sixth-grade core, they had the opportunity to attend The Utah Renaissance Faire, at Thanksgiving Point on Friday September 26, 2014.  "The Utah Renaissance Faire is a world-class event with full-contact jousting matches and artisan villages of the Renaissance. Other entertainment includes archery, sword and shield combat shows, theater, music and street performers.

Sixth-grade students Lily Morris and Jefferson Avila

Green Ribbon Poster Contest

Submitted by julia.murray on

Students at Art City submitted pictures representing how to stay safe for a coloring contest.  The following students were the poster contest winners:  Kelsie Kindergarden, Zayley 1st grade, Grace 2nd-grade, Jane 3rd-grade, Brianna 4th-grade, Lily 5th-grade, Ann 6th-grade, Jane 6th-grade, Grand prize winner. 


Green Ribbon Week

Submitted by julia.murray on

Students celebrated Green Ribbon week by having "crazy hair", wearing suspenders or a belt, crazy socks and wearing their pajamas.  

Pictures by Mrs. Nielsen and Mrs. Mitchell


Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City students spelled out "Reflections" as a reminder that this week, October 3, is the last day to turn in their Reflections entries.  Information can be picked up from a desk in front of the office.  The theme this year is "The World Would Be a Better Place If . . . " 

The purpose of Reflections is to have fun exploring art.  You can do something you've never tried before or something you've done a lot.  Just have fun with it.

United Way and US Synthetics Read and Do Service at Art City Elementary

Submitted by julia.murray on

On September 11, 2014 The United Way and US Synthetics came to Art City Elementary school in Springville Utah to read to the first and second-grade classes, read and figure out math with the third-grade; and learn how to be problem solvers in the fifth and sixth-grade classes. 
In the sixth-grade students were taught problem solving using a plan, do, check and act analogy.  They talked about how it is okay to fail and to start over and try again.  They made hypothesis to help solve a problem and to figure out a plan to do it better next time.

Art City Fifth-Grade State Float Parade

Submitted by julia.murray on

It is a tradition at Art City Elementary for the 5th grade to have a "State float parade" at the end of the year to culminate their knowledge of all the states and the capitols. Two students are assigned a state and they create a poster and a float that depicts characteristics from that state it is then carried and pulled through the halls for the students of all grades to see. Thank you 5th grade for sharing with everyone.

pictrue by Lisa Hughes