Art City Mission

All students will learn at high levels and make adequate yearly growth.

Kindergarten Pilgrims and Indians Days

Submitted by julia.murray on

Each year, just before Thanksgiving, the Kindergarten, at Art City Elementary school, in Springville, dress as Pilgrims and Indians in remembrance of the first Thanksgiving.  The students had opportunities to be a pilgrim and make butter for bread, washed clothes on a wash board, sewed on a button to make a pocket and played old fashioned games, the next day they were Indians they popped popcorn, ground corn, made a pot with clay, read stories in a teepee, made “beaded” necklaces using pasta, banged on drums and danced around the teepee.   The smile

Third-grade Dad's and Donuts

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elementary, in Springville, on Friday, December 5, 2014, third-grade students invited their dads, uncles, grandpas, and friends to come eat a donut and read a book.  There was a good turn out of “Dad’s” for the donuts.  For the students whose dad couldn't come they shared a dad or took turns reading with another student.  The dads stayed for about 20 minutes and seemed to really enjoy this time with their students.  Thank you Dads for sharing your time with us. 

Art City Fourth Annual Chess Tournament

Submitted by julia.murray on

The fourth annual Art City Chess tournament was held on Saturday December 6th at Art City Elementary School in Springville, Utah. There were 175 students that participated in the tournament and about 250 supporters to cheer them on.  We want to thank all those who helped in any way to make this tournament a success.  The following are the top ten results of the tournament:  (The number represents the place the school or the student achieved).

Thankful First-Grade

Submitted by julia.murray on

Before Thanksgiving Art City Elementary first-grade classes performed for the school then for their parents. Thanksgiving was the theme; from "A to Z" they gave reasons to be thankful and had songs to go along with the theme.

Ancient Egypt and the Sixth-grade

Submitted by julia.murray on

The sixth-grade students always study a unit of Ancient Egypt during their social studies. Students get to create a Sarcophagus (It is a box-like funeral receptacle for a corpse, most commonly carved in stone, and displayed above ground, though they may be buried). The students at Art City create their sarcophagus to represent who they are and what they like to do.

Art City Celebrates Veterans

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elementary celebrated Veterans by having BYU's Air Force ROTC share their ceremonial performance as well as a slide show of those representing our community.  When asked to stand if the students had a mom or a dad serving in the military, about 30 students stood.  It touches your heart to know the sacrafices these men and women make to keep our country safe.  Thank you Veterans for all you do. 

pictures by Jefferson Avila

Halloween Through the Halls of Art City Elementary School

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City celebrates Halloween in their class rooms through out the day and then everyone lines the halls to watch as classes march past in their costumes.  As they start the First grade starts and walks through the school picking up classes as they go and as they make there way through the school and the Gym for parents to see everyone, the second time through the school the lines gets smaller as classes go back to their room.  Even the office and staff dress up and have fun with the day.

Service in Action Award At Art City Elementary

Submitted by julia.murray on

Mrs. Deanna Lindsey was awarded the Service in Action Award from the area PTA for the outstanding work she does in the school library. She was surprised with this award at our area PTA meeting where her friends and family showed up to give their support. Mrs. Lindsey spends so much time making the library a fun and exciting place for the students to come. Unlike other libraries Art City Library is not a quiet stuffy place to be. It is fun and engaging every time you enter. Mrs. Lindsey loves books and can tell you about any book in the library.

Written by Lori Nielsen

The Living Planet Aquarium visits Art City Elementary School

Submitted by julia.murray on

On November 4, 2014 The Living Planet Aquarium came to Art City Elementary school to talke to the fourth-grade about "Our use of water".  They did a presentation on what happens when you leave debri and pour chemicals in your gutters.  "Who wants to swim in the lake when all of 'this' is in the lake?" was one question that was asked and demonstrated.