Art City Mission

All students will learn at high levels and make adequate yearly growth.

Watch D.O.G.S. At Art City Elementary School

Submitted by julia.murray on

We have just completed our first month, of the 2016-17 School year, having Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) at Art City Elementary School.  Thank you Dads for coming to the school to be a positive Fatherly influence.   Having Watch D.O.G.S. in our school helps in the following ways:  1) To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important.  2) To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.  Watch D.O.G.S.

Pictures by Amber Park

Kindergarten Shines for Their Parents

Submitted by julia.murray on

Boo! Beware of the Ghosts and Goblins at Art City Elementary School. The Kindergarten classes performed their Halloween program for the school on Thursday October 27th and for parents on Friday October 28th. They sang scary songs and recited scary poems as they entertained moms, dads, grandpas, grandmas and siblings.


Counting Pumpkin Seeds and Carving Pumpkins in Mrs. Morgans Kindergarten

Submitted by julia.murray on

Mrs. Morgan's Kindergarten morning and afternoon classes have been learning about pumpkins.  First they made predictions of how many seeds were going to be in the pumpkins then they opened them, cleaned them out and counted the pumpkin seeds.  After cleaning out the pumpkins, with the help of mother helpers they had the opportunity to carve the pumpkins. 

Pictures by Alisa Morgan

This is The Place Welcomes Field Trips

Submitted by julia.murray on
Art City fourth-grade students had the opportunity to go to "This is The Place Heritage Park" as they learn about Utah in the upcoming months it gave them an opportunity to appreciate what things the first pioneers had to experience when they came to Utah. 

This is the Place Heritage Park is set up to enhance the Utah history curriculum, they have set up a "life in Pioneer Times" field trip.  The program consists of hands on handcart experience.

Pictures by Jen Grant, Lisa Hughes and Shelby Sutterfield

Art City Fifth-Grade Visits the Museum of Natural Curiosity

Submitted by julia.murray on

On Wednesday October 19, 2016, Art City Elementary fifth-grade students had the opportunity to go to Thanksgiving Point to the Museum of Natural Curiosity.  Mrs. Ann Makin, fifth-grade teacher, said "The students had a blast on their field trip to the museum of Natural Curiosity. They climbed rope bridges, found their way through mazes, played in the waterworks and composed drum solos. This field trip was definitely two thumbs up!"

Pictures and information by Ann Makin

Be BYU Strong

Submitted by julia.murray on

Tuesday October 18, 2016,  BYU Athletes, Matt Folley, number 64 on the BYU Football team, and Vanessa Moffatt, a BYU Swimmer, visited Art City Elementary; recruiting the girls and boys to be Cougar Strong for life.  "While not everyone can be a collegiate athlete, everyone can be Cougar Strong".  Matt and Vanessa talked about and demonstrated how students can be phyisically strong, mentally strong and socially strong.  Physically strong: 1. Always exercise-Get proper nutrition and rest; 2.

Pictures by Katie Durfey and Emme Trunnell

It's Getting Colder!

Submitted by kim.droubay on

Just a reminder that as the weather gets colder to please send your students with adequate layers to keep them warm.    All healthy children will be expected to go out for recess except in extreme weather conditions (wind chill, rain, snow). Click here to review our cold and inclement weather procedures.

Sixth-Grade Goes to Space

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elementary sixth-grade students had the opportunity to go to the Christa Mcauliffe Space Education Center in Pleasant Grove, on Friday, October 14, 2016.  Students had the opportunity to see a state -of-the-art space ship simulator which has the bridge of a star-ship that the students are in control of.  Each person has a unique job that is critical in reaching the end of their mission successfully.  The students were briefed, tasked with mission objectives, and left to make their own choices as they navigate the story together as

Pictures by Kristy Bird

All You Can Read-- Book Fair October 24-28, 2016

Submitted by julia.murray on

It's time to celebrate books at our Bookfair Diner "All you can Read". Come shop to find a new favorite book Monday October 24 through Friday October 28, 2016.  The hours for Book fair are from 8:30-3.  Special hours:  Family night Monday October 24th 5-6:30; Thursday SEP night open until 8 p.m. Friday the doors will lock at 2:43.