Art City Mission

All students will learn at high levels and make adequate yearly growth.

Who Wants To Be an Opera Star?

Submitted by julia.murray on

Art City Elelmentary School in Springville, Utah, hosted the Utah Opera for an educational assembly.  The Utah Opera tours the state sharing with students, stories and music and how they can be tied together.  Students at Art City enjoyed the interactions and the energy coming from the singers. “’Who Wants to be an OPERA STAR?’ is an introduction to opera: the art form that combines drama, visual art, dance, orchestral music, and singing. Operas use words, action and music to tell stories full of conflict and emotion, and they are usually entirely sung.

Pictures by Ashlyn Busath, Aurelia Olsen, (Student Council), and Julia Murray

Come See The Fifth-grade Wax Museum

Submitted by julia.murray on

Thursday November 9th is the annual fifth-grade program and Wax Museum.  If you want a splash from the past come visit the Wax Museum in the fifth-grade class rooms.  The program will start at 8:40 a.m. then will adjourn to the classrooms for the museum. They will repeat the Program and the wax museum for the parents that night at 6 p.m.