Art City Mission

All students will learn at high levels and make adequate yearly growth.

Fourth-Grade Students Learn How Not to Pollute the Water

Submitted by julia.murray on

A representative from Utah County gave a presentation to the  4th grade students about storm water.   They showed them how the water cycle works.  They learned about what happens to our water when we pollute without realizing it and how pollution enters our drinking water.  They also learned  ways to avoid polluting our water systems. 

Art City Kindergarten Visits Brigham Young University

Submitted by julia.murray on
On Friday March 24, 2017 all three Kindergarten classes boarded a bus to travel to Brigham Young University (BYU).  The Kindergarten classes have been studying rocks and fossils, so went to the Museum of Paleontology at BYU.  They also went to the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum at BYU because they will be studying animals.  While there, they went to a presentation on animal comparisons.  Students were very mesmerized by the size and shapes of all of their experiences. 
Pictures Bridgette Cheever and Alisa Morgan and story by Alisa Morgan

Nursery Rhyme Day in Kindergarten

Submitted by julia.murray on

What do Nursery Rhymes and Kindergarten have in common?  Every year the Kindergarten students in Mrs. Alisa Morgan's class have the opportunity to learn a variety of Nursery Rhymes.  After a few weeks they get to choose their favorite nursery rhyme, memorize the rhyme, then dress up as the character in their rhyme and perform for their class mates and parents. 

Utah Waters Van Visits Art City Elementary School

Submitted by julia.murray on

On Wednesday March 15, 2017, the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium's "Utah Waters Van" visited Art City Elementary fourth-grade classes.  Sylvia and Maverik taught the students, and had them guessing by feel, the different types of animals and environments that Utah has.  The students had the opportunity to meet a few of the animals that habitat in the Utah water ways, as well as learn about different plants that help clean our waters, and how soil acts like a sponge to help control flooding.

Saint Patricks Day Shenanigans

Submitted by julia.murray on

Thursday March 16th though not quite St. Patricks Day, the Leprechauns caused quite a lot of trouble.  Several first-grade classes had desks and chairs upended and scattered.  Mrs. Wiggington's class set out some traps with no luck catching them, better luck next year. "Ha, Ha, Ha!" 

Pictures by Rachel Wigginton

Dr. Seuss Day

Submitted by julia.murray on

Dr. Seuss Day was celebrated by read-a-thons, green eggs and ham, Cat in the Hat stories, and few "Who" sightings. 

Students of the Month for February 2017

Submitted by julia.murray on

The following are February's students of the month: Kindergarten:  Camryn Depew, Jacob Buhler, and Noah Dial.  First-Grade:  Abby Hall, Cecilia Alcanter, and Dustin McNeil; Second-Grade:  Atlee Jeppson, Riley Bowers, and Kyleigh Richards; Third-Grade:  Keoni Godkin, Sophie Gardiner, and Lorel Silva; Fourth-Grade:  Tate Huynh, Molly Jessop, and Jacob Christean;  Fifth-grade:  Emyliah Colon, Spencer Hall, and Kiara Wilson; and Sixth-grade:  Chase Jacobson, Savannah King, and Anjolina Godkin.