September's Stand Strong Students

Submitted by julia.murray on

Each month Art City teachers select two students from their class who have demonstrated Stand Strong behaviors.  Stand Strong Students of the Month are outstanding examples of positive character traits and have shown that they are safe, respectful, and responsible.  Way to go to our September Stand Strong Students!!

Art City PTA Chalk Festival

Submitted by julia.murray on

The PTA had a successful Chalk Festival at the end of September.  Participants were able to "chalk the walk", play lots of fun games, bid on some awesome baskets in the silent auction, and be part of the chalk fight at the end of the night.  A big thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated baskets, and attended the festival!  We have the best PTA!

Art City Fifth-Grade Colonial Day

Submitted by julia.murray on

On Friday, September 24th, Fifth-grade classes participated in a “colonial day” to learn about what life would have been like in the original 13 Colonies. They made butter, sewed hats, played games, and wrote with quills and ink. It was a blast trying activities from the 1700s and seeing just how different life is now. 

Pictures and story by Emily Peery

Presale Tickets for Chalk Festival

Submitted by natalie.bailey on

Don't forget that the Art City PTA Chalk Festival is taking place this Friday, September 24, here at Art City.  If you'd like to pre-buy your wristbands and tickets, the PTA will have them on sale here at the school 15 minutes before school on September 22, September 23, and September 24.  They will also be selling them for 15 minutes after school on September 22 and September 23.  Also, don't forget to sign up for a space on the Chalk Walk!  Open up the link for more info about the Chalk Festival and how to register for the Chalk Walk!

Blast  into Reading

Submitted by julia.murray on

“Blast  into Reading” is this years Library theme.  Each month a few Faculty and staff members will be highlighted as they looked back in elementary school with their favorite book. September has been Mrs. Muirbrook, Mrs. Bailey and Mr. Warner.  Can you guess which one is Mrs. Muirbrook? 

Bulletin Board by Deanna Lindsey